Franti​š​ek T​ů​ma
Andreas Scholl, Czech Ensemble Baroque, Roman Válek
AP340 - 1CD - 48' - Nov 10, 2023

Andreas Scholl returns to his repertoire of choice, introducing us to the splendid works of Frantisek Tůma – a little-known Bohemian composer who was a prominent musical figure in the 18th century. Together with the Czech Baroque Ensemble and their conductor Roman Válek, specialists in this repertoire, the counter-tenor here performs several of his emblematic motets and cantatas.

In this atmosphere of the twilight of the Baroque, Andreas Scholl’s voice attains its fullness, embracing Tůma’s splendid invention and intensity of expression - a marvellous musical encounter that reaches its apex in the splendid arias of the Motettum de tempore, the Motetto per ogni Tempo or in the austere but absolute beauty of the chorus Juravit Dominus.


Motetto de S. Joanne Baptista
1. Coro. Audite insulæ
2. Aria. Non fuit vasti spatium
3. Coro. Alleluia

Motettum de tempore
4. Recitativo. Vilescit mihi mundus
5. Aria. O ter beatum cor
6. Recitativo. Inter tanta pericla
7. Aria da capo. O vera sincera

Sinfonia a quattro
8. Allegro assai
9. Andante
10. Allegro

Motetto per ogni Tempo
11. Recitativo. Bonum est confiteri Domino
12. Aria. Quam magnificata
13. Recitativo. Quia delectasti me
14. Aria. Amen

Dixit Dominus
15. Dixit Dominus
16. Tecum principium
17. Juravit Dominus
18. De torrente in via bibet
19. Gloria

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